Doors open July 1, 2024

Get on the waitlist for Cannabis for Pelvic Pain

How To Use Cannabis & CBD To Live Pain-Free with Pelvic Pain

In this course you’ll learn about the science of the endocannabinoid system, the safety and risks of using cannabis or CBD, the potential benefits for patients with pelvic pain or endometriosis, and how cannabis fits in a holistic treatment plan.

You cannot die from taking too much cannabis, unlike all other painkillers on the market including Tylenol. Learn about the safer method.

In fact, there are many published research studies, and patients have been safely using cannabis for decades in the US and many other countries. Cannabis can be a safer alternative than prescription opioids, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, and other drugs for patients with pelvic pain are commonly prescribed.

Meet your coach

Hi, I'm Dr. Ross

I’m a neuroscientist with pelvic pain who has helped 1000s of patients just like you to get off prescriptions & live their best life ever.

Several years ago I was sick. I used a cane and even a walker to move around. I had no energy, had permanent brain fog, and barely could sit up at work on my laptop at home for an hour or two before having to take a nap. I was prescribed Lupron, Lyrica, morphine, and a laundry list of other prescriptions to manage severe pelvic pain, spasms, nausea, and depression. And I wanted to die.

I got of all my prescriptions using cannabis, and today, I’m healthy enough that I now longer use a cane, and in fact, I work full time and travel all over the world teaching doctors and patients about cannabis medicine. Pelvic pain, including ovarian cysts, fibroids, and endometriosis, aren’t stopping me from living my best life anymore.

lung blood clot and dvt survivor dr michele ross
dr. michele ross author of vitamin weed - a 4-step plan to prevent and reverse endocannabinoid deficiency

I want to give this second chance at life not restricted by chronic illness to you.

You deserve to be healthy and happy. It’s within your reach.

And don’t worry, you don’t have to use cannabis if you don’t want to, I’m here to help you discover what’s best for you…


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"Highlight the transformation stories of your clients"

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Who is this for

This is the right fit for you if:

You’re struggling with pain and disability from pelvic pain, and have never used CBD or cannabis but are curious about trying a natural solution with expert help.

Or you’ve tried CBD or Cannabis but haven’t gotten the results you’ve wanted for pelvic pain or endometriosis and are looking for expert help.

Or you want to learn about CBD or cannabis for endometriosis or pelvic pain as a clinician who treats patients or a family member of someone who suffers with it.

Who is this for

This is the right fit for you if:

Describes your ideal customers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit bibendum cursus interdum.
Describes your ideal customers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit bibendum cursus interdum.
Describes your ideal customers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit bibendum cursus interdum.

Who is this for

This is the right fit for you if:

Describes your ideal customers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit bibendum cursus interdum.
Describes your ideal customers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit bibendum cursus interdum.
Describes your ideal customers. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit bibendum cursus interdum.

"Dr. Ross is so knowledgeable about the hottest topic right now, CBD"

and her passion for using it to heal people is amazing. Her energy, humor, and relatability are refreshing and inviting. The type of wisdom and warmth that you’d want if your health journey should include CBD.

— Ashley Rogers

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"Dr. Ross was very helpful and provided great insight"

 She was not only knowledgeable about medicinal uses for cannabis but gave great recommendations for herbal substitutions as well…I cannot stress the importance of consulting with Dr. Ross when using medical cannabis because as a patient myself, I never really recieved specific recommendations for doses and uses.

— Maureen

"I am so grateful for the knowledge received on my body and the many benefits of cannabis"

“I had the pleasure of meeting Dr Ross and reading her book: Vitamin Weed.”



Confused about cannabis?

Ready to try medical marijuana for pelvic pain?

Cannabis, medical marijuana, recreational marijuana, weed, hemp, CBD, cannabidiol, THC…

so many names, but it's all the same species of plant. Let's make it easy!

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Cannabis for Pelvic Pain Opens

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