Hi! My name is Dr. Michele Ross. I’m the author of
CBD oil products aren’t regulated by the FDA and it’s up to you do your homework and make sure a product is safe for you and your family. Answer these six questions when buying CBD oil to choose a CBD product that is safe and effective for your wellness needs.
1. Where am I buying my CBD oil?
You can purchase hemp-based CBD products online, from a store, from a friend, or at an event. Some hemp-based or cannabis-based CBD products are sold in cannabis dispensaries. Not all online sites or stores sell trustworthy products and it’s up to you to learn more about the product.
CBD that’s sold in retail chains like Walgreens or Whole Foods is safe and has to meet rigorous quality standards. CBD sold at the gas station or on discount deal website is risky at best.
2. Where is my CBD made?
Is the brand a local or national brand? How long has the brand been in business? Is it produced in someone’s basement, a factory in China, or a GMP certified facility meeting pharmaceutical standards in the United States?
Some products do not have have an expiration date listed on the bottle or packaging, but may list when they were manufactured. Stability testing suggests most CBD oil products are stable for one year, then may become less potent over time.
3. Does my CBD product actually contain CBD?
Some products are made of hemp seed oil instead of hemp oil and contain no CBD at all. Check your labels for false advertising, as chain stores like Target are selling products with pot leaves on them but zero CBD in them.
It’s important to know how much THC is in your product as well. CBD products sold at cannabis dispensaries may have more than 0.3% THC. Full-spectrum CBD products have 0.3% or less THC in them, broad-spectrum products have no THC but have terpenes, and CBD isolate products contain 0% THC.

4. Is my CBD third-party lab-tested?
CBD is made from hemp plants that can pull toxins from the polluted ground it’s planted in. That’s why reputable products are grown on clean hemp farms or indoors. Check that your CBD product is made with organically grown hemp, free of pesticides, mold, and heavy metals, and has independent lab testing results to confirm claims.

5. Is my CBD brand trustworthy?
CBD brands that make outrageous claims on their packaging or website like CBD cures cancer instead of science-based education don’t care about your health.
A celebrity or doctor endorsement also doesn’t mean the CBD product is safe. If your doctor offers an opinion on CBD or recommends a product, ask them why they recommend it or how it works, to make sure they are not just getting a kickback.

6. Does my CBD product include other natural ingredients?
CBD works best for your wellness needs like sleep when other clinically relevant levels of functional ingredients are in the formula. Functional botanicals like ashwagandha, passion flower, and skullcap pair well with CBD.
Want to dive deeper before buying CBD oil?

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