We know that the majority of us are constantly looking for quick, easy, and effective ways to naturally lower stress. We also totally understand the frustration that comes from trying a number of different (and expensive) health supplements that just do not seem to work. However, one supplement that truly makes a difference that you might not be familiar with is CBD oil. Allow us to explain further below.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD is short for cannabidiol and is just one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that are produced both internally in our body and externally like in plants. Those that are produced within our body are called endocannabinoids. Those that are produced in plants are called phytocannabinoids. There are also some cannabinoids that are synthetic. These are manufactured by other means and we suggest avoiding these as much as possible.
Hemp is a type of cannabis that is known to be very high in CBD content and low in THC. THC is yet another cannabinoid. This is the psychoactive component found in cannabis and is the chemical compound that will produce that high feeling. On the other hand, marijuana, is another type of cannabis that is high in THC and low in CBD content. Again, we suggest avoiding this if you are dealing with any kind of stress issues.
CBD oil is a supplement that suspends the active component of CBD in a carrier oil. You need to be mindful of the product that you are purchasing since some brands will contain THC. At ICARIA, we use a CBD isolate, meaning we only use the active component of cannabidiol itself that is suspended in a coconut MCT oil. This allows us to guarantee that every single product we offer comes with zero THC content in order to avoid any unpleasant side effects. CBD isolate also comes from the hemp plant. In addition, CBD is non-addictive whereas THC can be.
How CBD Work in the Body
The human body contains an endocannabinoid system, just like the one found in animals. This system consists of cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors which are located throughout the entire body including in the brain and the peripheral nervous system. These receptors are like locks that can only be opened with a specific key which would be the cannabinoid, or CBD in this case. Cannabinoids are chemical messengers in our body with the main goal of keeping our body in homeostasis, or balance. As a result, they also work to ensure that our organ systems are functioning at proper levels.
Since the cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the entire body, and not just in the central nervous system, cannabinoids can provide a very diverse effect on our system. Therefore, CBD can help to regulate a wide range of processes within the body by interacting with hormones and neurotransmitters. This includes an effect on pain, inflammation, mood, appetite, memory, immunity, digestion, and reproduction.
Imbalances in the endocannabinoid system can also be reflected anywhere else in our body. Cannabinoids like CBD are a natural solution that simply match our own internal cannabinoids. By doing so, they help to bring our body back into balance, or homeostasis. As mentioned before, we suggest using natural cannabinoids that come directly from the cannabis plant over any synthetic options. This way our body knows exactly what to do with them.
How CBD Oil Can Help With Stress
In our busy and hectic society, stress is a very common issue that the majority of people struggle with on a regular basis. Of course there are a lot of different factors that will impact stress from a physical, mental, and emotional standpoint. Therefore, we really need to get to the root of the issue to experience some relief and we discuss each of these points further below.
CBD oil works by lowering the production of the hormone cortisol which is responsible for the stress reaction. This, in turn, helps to lower a lot of the physiological symptoms that are linked with stress like increased heart rate, rapid shallow breathing, cold sweaty hands or feet, muscle tension, headaches, upset stomach, jaw clenching, dry mouth, nervousness, etc. CBD oil is very helpful for sleep too. Sleep issues are often linked to stress in some way, so managing cortisol throughout the day will also allow you to sleep better at night.
CBD oil can also be incredibly effective in helping to bring you into a calm mental state so that you can feel more at ease. Once we get a handle on the physical symptoms, the mental and emotional aspects can quickly follow suit. It can certainly be difficult to try to get into a more grounded and peaceful mental state when your entire body is shaking and feeling out of control. In addition, CBD oil also works on the neurotransmitter serotonin to boost mood and slow a racing mind down for improved focus and concentration.
A lot of people wonder how CBD oil will make them feel. In a nutshell, it will not really make you feel different in any major way except that it will remove any of those uncomfortable symptoms. Think of drinking a cup of coffee, you can feel it working but it does not make you feel unlike yourself. When you take CBD oil you should feel totally normal just with a reduction in your stress levels or any unpleasant symptoms.
Check out: My Favorite CBD Products
What You Should You Look For
When purchasing CBD oil, there are a few key things that you are going to want to look for. The most important factor is going to be finding out if the brand does any third-party testing. This can ensure that you are getting what you pay for. It will also ensure that there is no THC in the product so there will not be any unwanted side effects. This is critical for those using CBD oil for stress in particular. At ICARIA, we third party test every single batch of product to ensure that we are meeting high standards. We also believe in being fully transparent with our customers. Therefore, you can find the results under each product page on our website.
The next thing you will want to take into consideration will be the concentration of the product. This will also greatly influence the price. Generally, a cheaper product will come with a much lower concentration. Of course, the dose that you will need is going to be very different for everyone. Depending on how much you will need, this will also affect what concentration you should look for. At ICARIA, our standard concentration is 1500mg. This should give you enough of an effect that you will get the desired results from a standard dose that we mention below. You can also see what our happy customers are saying!
How To Use CBD Oil
We suggest starting slowly with CBD oil and tracking how you feel. Our general rule of thumb is to begin with 5-10 drops under the tongue. You will also want to hold it there for about one minute for optimal absorption. You should feel the desired effects within 20 minutes. From there you can choose whether or not you want to increase your dose. The good news is that there is no upper limit to how much CBD oil you can take. There are no side effects to worry about. However, it is a rather expensive supplement, so there is no point to take more than you need as there will be no additional benefit. You can take it as needed throughout the day for stress.
One note of caution, we currently do not recommend CBD oil for pregnancy or breastfeeding. In addition, if you are taking any prescription medications, you will benefit from consulting with your doctor before taking it. CBD oil has been shown to interact with particular liver enzymes that can slow down the breakdown of these drugs, making them more potent in the system. This is an effect similar to that of grapefruit juice, so for any medication that states this warning you will want to avoid using CBD oil.
Where To Start
If you are new to CBD oil we suggest getting started with THEIA. This is our lowest concentration product with 1500mg of CBD in 30ml bottle and is great for testing out the waters before fully committing. It also comes with zero flavour so it can be taken easily throughout the day.
We are also more than happy to answer any of your questions so please feel free to reach out to us.
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