According to many studies and researches, scientists believe that psilocybin might have therapeutic effects if adequately dosed. It’s the primary psychoactive ingredient in psychedelic or hallucinogenic mushrooms, which are usually called magic mushrooms because they give a particular high to the users.
The most recent statistics show that, so far, we’ve discovered more than 100 different species of mushrooms that contain this magical ingredient. While magic mushrooms have been around since the dawn of time, it was not before 1957 that people started to take an interest in their magical properties.
In 1970, the US Drug Enforcement Association (DEA) listed psilocybin as Schedule I Substances. However, most clinical trials proved that this ingredient could be used as therapy for depression and anxiety. This made psilocybin labeled as a proven therapy chemical by the FDA.
The Origins
Psilocybin comes from special psychedelic mushrooms. As mentioned, there are over 100 different species at the moment and counting. Each species possesses varying potencies. The top quality Psilocybin mushrooms are available at elephantos.com.
You can tell psilocybin mushrooms by their caps with dark brown gills and slender, long stems. At the moment, the most potent species on the planet is psilocybe azurescens.
The Effects of Psilocybin
Mescaline, LSD, DMT, and psilocybin fall into the category of classic psychedelics. These substances can induce changes in perception, thought, and mood. The psychological reaction to psilocybin includes an inability to tell fantasy from reality, and auditory and visual hallucinations.
In some cases, users might even experience psychosis and panic reactions, but this only happens if large doses are taken. Psilocybin is a hallucinogen that changes chemical reactions in the brain, most notably those related to serotonin.
Because of this, this substance may alter:
- Mood
- Sensory perception
- Sleep
- Hunger
- Body temperature
- Sexual behavior
- Muscle control
When it comes to the physical effects of psilocybin, the user may experience a lack of coordination, confusion, muscle weakness, vomiting, and a feeling of nausea. In case the user consumes other substances such as marijuana and alcohol, these effects may worsen.
Hallucinogenic drugs are usually related to outcomes such as:
- Intensified sensory experiences
- Outbursts of feelings
- Changes in the sense of time
- Increased body temperature, breathing rate, and blood pressure
- Loss of appetite
- Dry mouth
- Sleep problems
- Mixed senses
- Spiritual experiences
- Detachment from environment and self
- Feelings of relaxation
- Uncoordinated movements
- Lowered inhibition
- Excessive sweating
- Panic
- Paranoia
- Psychosis
While it’s true that controlled doses of psilocybin have a therapeutic effect, large doses might lead to intense hallucinogenic effects that could leave long-term consequences. This is known as a bad trip episode, and it’s usually related to frightful visualizations, psychosis, paranoia, and panic. In some cases, bad trip memories can last for a very long time, even for life.

Methods of Use
The best method of consuming magic mushrooms is by ingesting. Actually, ingesting dried mushrooms is the most popular way of consuming. They are mostly a reddish, rust-brown color. You can either ingest orally, drink it as a tea or add it to other foods.
Ingesting dried mushrooms is the most common way of using them while you can also eat them fresh. The typical dose may vary. If taken for recreational purposes, the dose may last for about six hours, with peak effects kicking in one to two hours after ingesting.
Effects and dosage vary considerably from mushroom to mushroom. The effects mostly depend on the tolerance of the user and the method of preparation. If used for recreational purposes, going with smaller doses is a much safer option. If you’re buying magic mushrooms for recreational use, make sure you do your research on the highest quality brands.
Clinical Studies and Medical Uses
Psilocybin has been used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes since ancient times, but it got the most recent clinical studies shed the most light. Some studies showed that it could be instrumental in helping cancer patients go through their treatments much more comfortably by reversing the notion of existential distress that the therapy gives them.
This type of psychiatric disorder can have devastating consequences, but psilocybin can help ease the post effects, replacing toxic antidepressants that have been proven ineffective in such cases. If we take a more traditional direction, psilocybin has been recognized as a leading antidepressant and is used as a form of a new form of therapy for treating opioid addiction.
It can also help with post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, PTSD, and Alzheimer’s disease. At the same time, it also shows healing properties that can be used to treat major depression, alcohol addiction, and anorexia nervosa.
The FDA acknowledged psilocybin as a breakthrough therapy for depression in 2019, while case studies for major depressive disorder (MDD) treatment are underway.
The Future of Medicine
There’s so much that scientists and doctors don’t know about the full potential of the curative properties of psilocybin, but, hopefully, with more case studies, they will gather enough knowledge to start using this substance for medical purposes. Psilocybin may just be one of the most significant medical discoveries, along with medicinal marijuana.
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