Whether you’re into vision care, dermatology, or spas, digital marketing is essential. In fact, patient engagement platform & digital marketing are buzzwords for those who want to know how to build a brand and attract customers. But many people get the two confused and end up wrecking the process. Here are seven common misconceptions about them and what the truth is.
Digital Marketing in Healthcare: Common Misconceptions
1. “Can Do It Myself” Attitude
More often than not, the authorities want to cut down on expenses and end up doing it themselves. While social media is a free tool to put your brand across, it’s not a platform to post anything and everything. That’s why hiring digital marketing experts can help your business expand across horizons. Not only do they know how to market your business, but they also track and monitor the success of your campaigns.
2. Results Cannot Be Measured
The biggest myth in digital marketing is that results cannot be measured. In fact, a company attracts 57% of its customers through blogs. This means that a company can easily measure the returns via the number of customers it gets. Additionally, it can also track what works for the business and what doesn’t.
3. Digital Marketing Is Just About Content Marketing
While content marketing is a fragment of digital marketing, the two are not the same. Content marketing is a way to attract customers with informative and engaging content across channels. On the other hand, digital marketing is the process of using digital channels to promote your brand — think online display ads, email marketing, social media marketing, and more.
4. Marketing Is About Influencing People’s Minds
Who doesn’t like to attract customers and increase revenue? But, the truth is that you can’t just influence people to try your service or buy your product. Digital marketing focuses on solving problems and creating value for your customers. It’s about bridging the gap between what they need and what you offer.
Patient Engagement Platforms – Myths Busted
1. Only Youngsters Use Telehealth
Telehealth use increased from 1% to a whopping 80% during the pandemic. In reality, it was much lower amongst the age groups of 18-24 years. Additionally, the data showed a spike in the use of telehealth among the elderly, especially those with insurance.
2. Patient Experience Platforms are Unreliable
A general belief is that these platforms are not reliable and that they treat patients like numbers. But the opposite is true – these platforms help needy patients connect with medical professionals quickly. The platforms also help accumulate records in a single place.
3. These Platforms are Not Affordable for Patients
Many people believe that these platforms are expensive and unnecessary. But, the reality is that the world of healthcare will fall short of resources if it does not have the means to operate on a large scale.
The Bottom Line
Whether it’s getting back into the business or building a new one, digital marketing, and patient engagement platforms are here to stay. They are here to make healthcare more affordable, efficient, and effective. Now that you know the common myths about the two, it’s time to get started on your digital marketing journey!
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