Conversations around mental health have never been this loud and frequent. From celebrities to royals, more people in the public eye are sharing their mental health struggles and encouraging others to seek help. Millions of people worldwide endure some form of mental disorder. Although we still experience loneliness, it is comforting to know that others struggle with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, or something equally challenging.
It is easy to become used to your mental ailments because facing them can be a terrifying experience. Yet, a life lived under the shadow of a mental health disorder is not a well-lived life. Taking care of your mental health is critical for your well-being and those around you. The following are six crucial reasons why you should prioritize your mental health.
Live a life beyond anxiety
Anxiety plagues us all in one form or another. Some of us can’t go to dinner parties, while others struggle to drive or get out of the house. It is tempting to avoid circumstances that make you anxious, but you will lose out on opportunities and relationships if you do this often. Taking control of your anxiety should be your top priority in life. You can start by eating omega-3 rich food and working out to burn your adrenaline in a safe space.
Taking a natural remedy for clarity, such as CBD, can significantly improve your day. This cannabinoid is a non-intoxicating psychoactive, and among its list of benefits, it can lower stress and anxiety by boosting dopamine and controlling the overproduction of the cortisol hormone. CBD products are legal in various countries. You can try hybrid weed strains to stimulate your mind or try CBD-infused edibles like chocolate and gummies for a whole day of relaxation.

Avoid the consequences of chronic anxiety
You may have avoided your anxiety for years, but that doesn’t mean you will come out on the other side unscathed. Experiencing anxiety every day can have detrimental effects on your health. Chronic worrying can lead to depression and panic attacks. That’s where your life will be burdened with moments when you can’t breathe because you are suffering from a panic attack or cannot enjoy moments with your loved ones because of depression.
You may have avoided your anxiety for years, but that doesn’t mean you will come out on the other side unscathed. Experiencing anxiety every day can have detrimental effects on your health. Chronic worrying can lead to depression and panic attacks. That’s where your life will be burdened with moments when you can’t breathe because you are suffering from a panic attack or cannot enjoy moments with your loved ones because of depression.
Lead your life with more clarity
Low moods and constant worry can cloud your judgment and cause you to make mistakes in your personal and professional life. Your poor mental health can make you waste years working in a job you hate and entertaining toxic people. In contrast, when you prioritize your mental well-being, you will live your life with more clarity. You will be more willing to find a profession that provides you with meaning and surrounds yourself with people who bring absolute joy and love into your life.
Improve your self-esteem
Your fears and worries can trick you into believing that you are not capable or deserving. Bogged down by low self-esteem, you may not fulfill your purpose but instead, commit a series of mistakes that take you away from what you are supposed to do in this world. So rather than avoiding your mental health issues, you must face them to achieve self-actualization. Although we often take it for granted, life is exceedingly short when you reflect upon it, and it would be a waste of a life to allow low self-esteem to stop you from fulfilling your purpose.

Experience better relationships
Much like a secret addiction, poor mental health can alienate you from your loved ones, especially if you do not share your troubles. It might start with you skipping one dinner because you cannot handle being around too many people and go on to lead a life of isolation. Instead of keeping your struggles to yourself, dare to open up to those you trust so they can understand you better and encourage you to face your fear in increments.
When your worries don’t burden you as much, you have a better chance of noticing those around you and helping them with their struggles. Being the helper rather than the helpless one will improve your relationships and improve your mental health.
Live a serene life
The idea of living a serene life seems unfathomable for most of us. When you are used to your mind plaguing you with fear and anxiety, and when stress is part of your every day, you start to believe that a peaceful life is impossible. Yet, as a spiritual teacher, Mooji once said, peaceful life is priceless during a guided meditation.
You cannot control what is going on in the world, and you have minimal control over what happens in your life. However, you have complete control over overreacting to challenging situations and people. All it takes is a choice to perceive the world differently.
In their simplest form, mental health issues such as anxiety inhibit us from seeing beauty in the world. So instead of living life with fear, choose to perceive beauty in everything that comes your way. Even our mental health struggles have their beauty. They remind us to be more empathetic towards those around us because they, too, are going through their mental health struggles.
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