The cannabis industry has been one that has seen extensive growth in recent years due to changes in local laws and state government rulings across the nation. With more states voting to legalize the use of cannabis both for medical and recreational use, this has seen cannabis retail locations expand both online and off.
The CBD industry itself is a vibrant one (like many new industries are) and innovation is occurring seemingly every week. With so many new products being released, it can be hard to keep track of these innovations. When buying cannabis, you have many options for how to consume it. Some of the most popular choices for cannabis use include vapes, oils, and candy. In addition, you also have to consider the ingredients. CBD vs CBDA is another question you may have as a cannabis user.
What is CBDA?
CBDA stands for cannabidiolic acid and is a precursor to CBD, which you may be more familiar with. CBDA is an acidic compound that when heated transforms into CBD. Notably, CBDA is processed more quickly in the human body than CBD. It is also found in many parts of the cannabis plant and is easy to extract for use.
Common Uses of CBDA
CBDA May Reduce Aches and Pains
CBDA when taken can reduce inflammation in the body similar to other over-the-counter drugs and pain relievers. This makes it useful for the treatment of ailments such as arthritis. It can also be used to reduce pain after workouts and if you suffer from headaches.
CBDA May Boost Mood
Studies show that CBD or cannabis products containing CBDA may have a greater benefit for people with common mood ailments such as depression and anxiety disorders than products with just CBD. When your brain chemistry is altered due to mental illness this can negatively impact several aspects of your life including your mood, ability to function, ability to complete common work tasks, and the ability to simply enjoy life. Cannabis products such as CBDA can be an effective addition to your treatment regimen and possibly serve as a replacement for other medications that have severe side effects.

CBDA May Improve Sleep
CBDA’s properties of reducing stress and improving your overall mood can also assist in improving your sleeping habits. Regular insomnia and inconsistent sleep patterns can have a sizable negative impact on your overall health. Simply being able to sleep soundly and consistently can greatly improve both your physical and mental health.
CBDA May Reduce Nausea
Regular nausea can be a common symptom of many types of stomach ailments and some medical treatments such as chemotherapy for cancer treatment. Cannabis and related compounds have been shown to reduce nausea symptoms and physical response.
Final Thoughts
CBDA shares many of the benefits of CBD and can be used for many of the same situations and needs. Where CBDA differs is that it can be absorbed by the body easier and may be more potent because of this. While CBDA is still developing as a product, the results seen currently in end-user reports and professional testing are promising. If you’re looking for something new CBDA could be the product you’ve been looking for.
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