Many people use CBD products to alleviate and deal with their everyday problems. Some common examples are regulating even some sleep patterns, managing pain, controlling seizures, and relieving appetite loss. So, unsurprisingly, there are many cases when people want to know whether CBD shows up on a drug test or not.
Many CBD drug tests screen for THC, not for checking the CBD level. However, many CBD products even contain some trace elements of THC. In many cases, some users are unaware that they are ingesting it. It causes a possible red flag in a workplace drug test.
In this article, you can take an in-depth look at the details of CBD and THC and even determine the THC level required for a positive result. So, let’s take a deep dive and find out how the screening works to detect it.
Will the CBD Show Up Positive Or Negative On a Drug Test?
Many job applicants want to know: can I “fail” a drug test from CBD? Well, the presence of CBD itself often doesn’t show up on a drug test. However, there are some CBD products, and certain levels present in that product could show positive tests even if there are low levels of THC present. It is recommended to buy thc hemp gummies only from a reputable source to avoid any kind of legal situations.
THC sometimes gets added to CBD products due to some natural contamination in the overall manufacturing process. Harvesting and following some techniques also play an excellent role in determining which compounds are present. In addition to the few CBD products being approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the products are not always third-party tested. It means some relevant information often gets omitted from the manufacturers’ labels.
On the other hand, CBD use often leads to a positive test result if the CBD product you have consumed contains higher levels of THC than the normal label indicates.
Also, in the study in 2017, a proper analysis of 48 CBD products revealed that almost less than one-third of the CBD products had shown proper labeling about the CBD concentration, and in that list, 21% contained THC.
Another analysis in F100 Research also has shown that of 67 CBD-containing food products in Germany, almost 25% of the samples contained THC, and the level was 2.5 milligrams per day.
If you intake the CBD products regularly, it is important to note that they might contain some potentially problematic compounds and ingredients. CBD itself can also lead to a high and positive drug test result if the products contain higher amounts of THC than the manufacturer claims it has.

How Much THC Level Needs To Be Present To Cause a Positive Drug Test?
It is very difficult to say the right amount of THC that needs to be present in the item to show a positive drug test because the results are variable on several drug- and patient-specific variables. Also, there is a specific cutoff value for all the tests.
There are many times when the following variables affect the amount of time the marijuana-derived THC and all its metabolites remain detectable in the urine or even in other biological samples:
The frequency of marijuana use matters. Usually, the half-life of THC is 1.3 days for an infrequent user and, on the other hand, 5–13 days for all frequent users.
- The presence of the interacting drugs matter
- How much is used and the route of administration matters?
- The last time ingestion
Several user factors may also affect the result, such as the overall body mass, urine concentration, urine pH, and even some other medical conditions, such as kidney or liver disease.
In addition to this fact, the length of timing that the THC is detectable in the user’s urine is:
- In the case of a single-use, the time is 3 days
- In case of moderate use (4 times a week), the time is 5 to 7 days
- In case of chronic use (it means daily): the time is 10 to 15 days
- In case of Chronic heavy use (it means daily and 2 to time/day): More than 30 days.
Also, several workplace cutoffs have decided the values for marijuana metabolites and that is 50 mg/mL for some screening tests. In a confirmatory test, a metabolite of marijuana is always measured properly. It is called Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid. However, the positive test result is above 15 ng/mL, which can vary depending on the above mentioned variables. Also, these variables should not be the only things to be relied upon for ensuring a drug-free result.
CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?
So, what do you want to know? Does CBD show positive on the proper drug screenings? The answer is it depends. There is also a distinguishing factor in whether THC is present or not. To answer this question more clearly, you must have a more in-depth knowledge of all the differences between CBD and THC. Below, we are giving an overview of the different types of CBD.
Though both are cannabinoids, CBD and THC can interact with receptors in different user’s brains differently. The main difference is that THC usually produces a buzz, whereas CBD does not. So, those who mainly consume some products with zero or even minimal quantities of THC should not face any kind of psychoactive effects.
It’s also important to keep in mind that while marijuana and hemp CBD are both derived from cannabis plants, both of these contain different levels of THC. In general, hemp-derived CBD products contain a very low amount of THC—and it is the reason they are less likely to show up on the CBD drug test, and the chances are higher to show positive results with the marijuana-derived CBD.
Usually, drug testing for CBD is not done because it CBD does not cause any kind of intoxicating effect and as of 2024 it is not considered an illegal controlled substance in the United States. However, people who consume CBD may still fail marijuana drug tests (also called cannabis testing or THC testing). Please keep in mind that the CBD industry is not consistently regulated, and be highly educated when purchasing and using products.
In addition, people who want to avoid the result that shows positive for THC on a drug test should always Purchasing excellent CBD products from reputable sources with transparent THC testing practices can minimize the risk of testing positive for THC by accident when taking an unexpected drug test.
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