These days, we know that a healthy gut is super important for staying healthy and can affect everything from immunity to brain health. And if there are problems in the gut, it can have some surprising effects on the rest of the body.
One of the gut conditions that has been gaining a heap of attention in recent years is “leaky gut syndrome”. Having this condition can trigger a whole heap of symptoms, many of which are chronic and debilitating.
My most recent personal experience with leaky gut was in early 2023. I was hospitalized in early 2023 from medications from a car accident that ruined my stomach lining and damaged my internal organs. My troubles didn’t stop after I got home, and only got worse. I began to have many of the symptoms on this list, and finally the light bulb went off! You’ve got leaky gut, girl.
Signs and Symptoms of Leaky Gut
So, how can you spot the signs that you might have a leaky gut? Let’s talk about some of the health problems that can stem from a leaky gut.
Digestive issues
Getting gas, bloating, diarrhea and IBS type symptoms on a regular basis can be signs that your gut isn’t as healthy as it could be, but they can sometimes signal a leaky gut too. Probiotics and digestive enzymes like Nucific Bio X4 can often help digestive issues stemming from leaky gut.
Sneezing like crazy? It might not be in your head, your hay fever is ACTUALLY worse now. According to studies, allergies and a leaky gut can go hand in hand. Research published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology highlighted a link between intestinal permeability and allergies.
Hormone imbalances
Because a leaky gut allows toxins, bacteria and undigested food to get into the bloodstream, it can lead to inflammation throughout the body. And this can have a knock on effect on hormone balance. The end result? Things like adult acne, mood swings and weight gain all become a whole heap more likely. You might not think of your gut as being a driving force in hormone balance but keeping it healthy can be super important for healthy hormones.
Chronic fatigue
With chronic fatigue syndrome, a leaky gut can be a big factor in why symptoms develop – especially the relentless fatigue and brain fog elements. In one small scale study, most of the patients noticed an improvement in their chronic fatigue symptoms after taking supplements designed to support a healthy gut barrier.
Mood changes and brain fog
We’ve known for years that a huge amount of serotonin is actually produced in the gut, rather than the brain – as much as 80%! This is why a healthy gut is super important for brain health.
For some people, a leaky gut can be a big factor in changes to mood and other aspects of mental wellbeing. This is partly because a leaky gut encourages the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines that can lead to low mood and fatigue. In the long-term, experts think that it may pave the way for depression.
In one study of people with depression, there was evidence of increased gut permeability. It’s not just depression either; brain fog can also be linked to a leaky gut. Inflammation is a super common culprit for this and can contribute to a condition known as “leaky brain syndrome.”

Skin rashes
Inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea can be linked to gut health and many people with a leaky gut find themselves struggling with skin problems – sometimes for the very first time. Some studies have shown that people with acne, psoriasis and eczema have an above average degree of gut permeability. Skin problems can be a big sign that something isn’t quite right in your gut and this can sometimes extend to a leaky gut.
Food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities
Diet is a super common trigger for leaky gut. Gluten and dairy are just two of the culprits that can pave the way for leaky gut in people who are sensitive to them. With the immune system in overdrive and attacking foreign “threats” (such as undigested food that has passed through the intestine walls), the body can become overly sensitive to the antigens in some foods, particularly gluten. Research from Holland has shown that a leaky gut and celiac disease can be linked.
This is one of the biggest telltale signs of leaky gut: suddenly become sensitive to gluten, eggs, milk or something else you have been able to eat with no problem! A small scale study of people with food sensitivities and food allergies showed a link to leaky gut. The greater the degree of gut permeability, the more likely symptoms were to be severe.
Low immunity
If you get every illness going even though you appear to be pretty healthy, a leaky gut can sometimes be a culprit. It’s linked to the immune system attacking foreign “threats” that have passed through the intestine walls into the bloodstream.
There can also be changes to the brain-gut signals that normally work to produce more immune cells when you’re fighting illness and to keep inflammation to a minimum when you’re not sick.
A leaky gut can also create problems for absorbing nutrients from your food properly and this can also have an effect on immunity.
Autoimmune disease
There’s a strong connection between a leaky gut and autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, Multiple Sclerosis and Hashimoto’s Disease. For people who are genetically predisposed to developing autoimmune disease, a leaky gut can act as an environmental trigger that allows it to take hold.
Don’t Give Up
No matter what your doctor say, and many will just roll their eyes at you and your “mystery symptoms,” don’t give up hope! Healing is possible, and one of the first steps is by identifying the root cause of your suffering. Leaky gut syndrome is often at the root of chronic illness symptoms that don’t go away, and often get worse with “traditional” medicine. In another blog post, I’ll go over how you can heal leaky gut, what worked for me, and other options because every body is different!
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