Stress can occur at any point in life and everyone has a different reaction to feeling it. Some people get frustrated, shout, and lash out. Others become quiet, withdrawn, and keep to themselves for a while. Many people prefer to distract themselves so they don’t have time to think about it.
However, none of these reactions can be particularly healthy. Overwhelming pressure needs to be faced, to ensure it can be dealt with efficiently. And no matter what’s causing the feeling, busting your stress is possible – especially in the modern era! Here are some methods to think about.
Try Therapy (and not just traditional counselling)
Therapy is one of the best ways to tackle stress in the 21st century. Talking can be a great cure, and it’s something we all can try as humans.
But it’s not just talking therapy we’re, ironically, talking about here. There are various forms of therapy that can help you, including:
- Group therapy
- Pet therapy
- Aromatherapy
- Art therapy
- Sound therapy
- Movement therapy
- Psychedelic therapy
- Traditional alternative medicines such as acupuncture
Try out a few things and see what works for you. It’s OK to go back and forth until you find something that makes you feel like you’re really making progress.
You should also be sure to talk to the organisers and counsellors running these sessions; this helps you to get the best out of them. Outsiders may be able to provide an insight into how far you’ve come since you started, especially if you feel things aren’t going too well.
Unfortunately, too many people struggle to find the courage to step forward when drowning in stress, which can lead to the darkest of times. Many then resort to pharmaceutical solutions, some of which can be highly addictive, requiring drug rehabilitation to break the addiction. The good news is that this can be avoided by seeking proactive therapy early in your stress journey, which helps build your resilience hand in hand with the pros.

Consume Cannabis Products
Cannabis is legal in a variety of places these days. If you live somewhere where the law is A-OK about the use of cannabis products, give them a try on your stressful days. From CBD to THC and a combination of the two, you can buy all kinds of drinks, candies, and even oils you can rub into your skin.
THC seltzers are one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis, as it’s easy to sip your way through a can of soda while maintaining control over the amount you’re consuming. But once again, feel free to try out a few different products to find the application method that works best for you.
And remember, always take it slow and pace yourself when consuming substances like cannabis.

Explore Heart Pounding Activities
Stress is a physiological response. As such, targeting it with an equally physiological reaction is key to busting it. That means you need to start getting your heart rate up as it taps into your natural need to ‘fight or flight’ in stressful situations.
This could be as simple as going for a run and getting a bit of cardio in, but it could also mean attending a regular HIIT class or taking up kickboxing. If you sweat, and if you feel your heart work harder, it’s going to help that cortisol level to come back down.
Feeling stressed out? Not for much longer. Rid yourself of overwhelming pressure with methods like the ones mentioned above, or explore a new playful, stress-busting activity.
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