Naturally, cannabis legalization paved the way for a huge industry to expand: it’s no longer just the flower itself people are buying, but a myriad of different products aimed at increasing convenience, palatability, and delivery.
Most of these new products come in edible form, and for the newcomer, the range can be quite overwhelming. There are so many different types of products to choose from, each boasting its own special flavors and unique effects.
This article is here to help: here’s a quick primer on the most popular cannabis products so you can decide which to try first!
What do THC Edibles Do?
THC edibles are food items that deliver a potent dose of cannabis, similar to that of smoking or vaping. They can be used for both recreational and medicinal purposes, and between those two goalposts exists a wide variety of different products to suit the user’s individual preferences.
THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary psychoactive component of the cannabis flower, and THC edibles are infused with this constituent in varying amounts. Given the profound ‘high’ the user will experience when taking an edible product, the dosage is the single most important factor to consider: if you’re a beginner, it’s essential to start off with a low dose of between 2.5 to 5mg, and sometimes even lower.
Furthermore, the importance of waiting before taking more cannot be understated. While a joint or a vape hits almost immediately, edibles need to be metabolized before the THC enters your bloodstream, and this can take an hour and upwards. Unfortunately, it’s common for people to take an edible, presume it hasn’t worked, and then take a second and be hit with a huge dose.
While a high dose isn’t fatal, it can be extremely unpleasant, especially for a beginner.
The Different Types of THC Edibles
Here are some of the most common delivery methods:
THC gummies take the form of soft sweets or candies and come in many different unique flavors. Each gummy contains a set amount of THC, making it easy to dose appropriately.
Chocolate products are another popular form, with the dose usually being divided by squares. THC-infused chocolate comes in all the same flavors as regular chocolate.
Drinks are one of the most recent types of cannabis products to hit the market and can comprise coffees, sodas, tea, and sometimes even alcoholic drinks.
Tinctures became popular a few years ago. They’re essentially highly concentrated liquid extracts that you take via peppet under the tongue. They typically have a faster absorption than the delivery methods described above, and people often make their own at home.
Wrapping Up
Hopefully, this quick guide has offered you some beginning insight into the world of cannabis edibles. There’s far more to discover, of course, so delve in and do some of your own research now that you have a foundation. If this is your first time-consuming cannabis products of this kind, be sure to consult your doctor first.
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