FACT: Insanity is doing the same thing every day and expecting different results.
If you’ve been taking all the pills your doctor prescribed you and you’re still not feeling better (or worse, have descended further into the fiery pits of hell that is fibromyalgia pain – yikes), it’s not working for you.

It’s time for a change…which can be scary…
But what could be worse than where you are now?
I want to share how I’ve been able to put my fibromyalgia into recovery mode, and help heal you too.
I want to connect you with other fibromyalgia patients who are on the same path to healing as you.
And I want you to feel supported and excited, while having fun! Results are the best!!!
That’s why I’ve launched Fibro University.
You can read about all the AMAZING things that you can come do with us when you enroll.
>> Click here to learn more about Fibro University
And not only that, but I thought to share a special deal with you, because I appreciate you being part of my circle.
If you purchase Fibro University before 11:59pm PST on Tuesday July 20th, you will get an incredible early-bird deal!
You’ll get an EXTRA $50 of that lifetime membership!
(omg you’re getting a lifetime membership for the price of the three months!)
But here’s the thing, this special early-bird deal disappears on Tuesday July 21st. So in order to get in on it you need to act NOW.
The price for a lifetime membership goes up to $97 Wednesday.
But enroll by tonight and you will get it a lifetime membership to Fibro University for just $47!
>> Click here to enroll in Fibro University
Exciting, right?
P.S. Don’t have fibromyalgia? Post in the comments which health condition you want me to create training for next or shoot me an email at support@fibrouniversity.com ! I’m all ears 🙂
P.S.S. If you don’t have fibromyalgia, feel free to forward this post to someone who might benefit, they will thank you!
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