Marijuana drug testing has gained popularity among employers these days, and it is a growing concern among cannabis users. In recent years, marijuana and cannabis drug testing has evolved in its methods and has been able to detect more than just THC. That is the reason why more and more people are experiencing positive results and not knowing why. In this blog, we will talk about the science behind marijuana drug tests and how to prevent a positive test for THC from cannabis use or even CBD oil products.
Drug testing 101
Most employers test for drugs, too many employees are using drugs and this poses risks. Drug testing can provide:
- reduction of risk to workplace safety
- improved productivity and efficiency
- responsible recruitment and promotion practices for staff
Some drug tests are more difficult to pass than others. There are ways to prepare before your drug test though. If you know that you’re going to have a drug test, don’t eat or drink anything 8 hours before the drug test. Don’t smoke marijuana or any other weed near the time of the test as well because it stays in your system for up to 12 hours.
What is marijuana drug testing?
Marijuana drug testing is a way of determining if someone has smoked weed or otherwise consumed marijuana. It’s commonly used by employers to determine if their employees are high at work. Some people may also be required to take a drug test in order to gain employment, maintain it, or improve their current position.
Why do employers conduct it?
Employers have a responsibility to protect their employees and themselves from potential harm caused by the actions of employees on drugs. The safety and security of workers, employers’ assets, and customers, as well as a reputation for fair dealing in the community also are essential to the success of any business enterprise.
Drug testing companies are constantly developing new ways to detect drugs in your system. When an employer tests for drugs, they want to know if you’re able to perform the job with all faculties intact and without being impaired by drugs. Employers also want to know that the company’s money is being spent on someone whose behavior won’t bring harm or dishonor to themselves, those around them, or the company as a whole.
Drug testing is one way that many companies can ensure that their workplace remains a safe working environment, especially when it comes to the safety of their customers. Many companies now follow the example of some government agencies (like in Australia and other countries) who have been using drug testing for years and are now generally accepted by the public as reasonable measures of ensuring the safety of their workforce.
Drug testing also provides an efficient way to identify potentially harmful drug users and help them to get assistance in overcoming their dependence on drugs. Drug testing can be a valuable tool for companies who want to ensure that their employees maintain a high level of safety and productivity.
Drug testing is not normally used as the only criterion for making employment decisions. Rather, it is considered one element in a broader set of criteria that are weighed together to make decisions about employee suitability. Such other factors could include previous work record, education, skills, or experience.

The science behind marijuana testing
Marijuana is also referred to as weed, pot, dope; the plant can be consumed in many forms such as smoking or eaten. It is also possible to extract and use the chemicals from cannabis for manufacturing other products. The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). This substance enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain where it alters moods by attaching to receptor sites on neurons. Marijuana can produce short-term confusion, heightened sense of perception, uncontrolled laughter, increased appetite, and enhanced time sense.
Marijuana drug testing detects if THC levels are high enough for law enforcement purposes or for medical reasons. Depending on what drug testing equipment is used, it can be detected in a person’s system from one to seven days after smoking the drug. It is possible for a medical marijuana patient to test positive on a drug test that has been administered by his or her own doctor and therefore have an unfair result due to their legal status of using the substance.
There are two main categories when it comes to how marijuana is consumed. These are smoking and eating. The effects of both methods are different, but the user can identify what method they have used from a drug test result. Within one hour of inhaling marijuana smoke, THC levels in the blood peak at around 10 ng/mL (nanograms per milliliter) or more. After an hour, the levels drop to 5 ng/mL, and within a few hours, they fall below 1 ng/mL. This level stays constant for 2-3 days until the THC is completely eliminated from the bloodstream. However, marijuana can be detected in urine for 7-10 days after smoking due to its fat solubility.
The amount of time that marijuana can be detected in the bloodstream after consumption depends on how often a person smokes. People who smoke occasionally are able to rid THC from their blood within three days whereas heavy smokers could have traces of it in their system between one week and three months. Other factors such as the potency of the weed, body mass index, health, and age can affect how long marijuana stays in the bloodstream.
Common myths about marijuana drug tests
One myth about marijuana drug testing is that it can detect THC in the blood for up to six months. This has been proven to be incorrect because THC would need to be present in a person’s bloodstream for that long in order to exhibit the symptoms of intoxication (e.g., impaired driving) and therefore it would have come up on a routine medical examination.
Another myth about marijuana drug testing is that it can be triggered by second-hand smoke. However, as long as there are no signs of impairment, then the presence of THC on the breath due to second-hand exposure is classified as negligible.

3 Steps to prepare for a marijuana drug test
The first step to take when preparing for a marijuana drug test is to abstain from using the drug for at least 30 days. This will ensure that you have enough time to clear the marijuana from your system so it won’t show up on the drug test.
The second step is to drink lots of water before and after the drug test, as this will help dilute any THC in your urine sample.
The last thing you can do is use something that can mask the smell of marijuana, such as coffee, fruit juice, or gum. You should chew enough gum before giving your sample to mask the smell of smoke for around 20 minutes. The amount of time will vary depending on the sensitivity of the drug test that you are taking.

Kratom vs Marijuana
If you are worried about drug testing for THC, one way to avoid a positive test is to instead use a substance that isn’t commonly tested for.
While medical marijuana has a number of benefits, it is often associated with dependence and withdrawal symptoms. Additionally, the compounds found in marijuana are difficult to administer especially if you use the plant for medicinal purposes.
Anyone who is interested in using herbs should understand that not all products are created equal; this is why certain strains of

Like most products,
Marijuana has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. While it remains one of the most controversial herbs today; there is no doubt that its compounds have the potential to cure various ailments. In order to understand how marijuana is used as a treatment, it is important for consumers to know about the various compounds found in the herb.
To learn how
Understanding the different types of tests
Understanding the different types of tests used by employers to detect drugs, such as urine, hair follicle, saliva, blood, or breathalyzer test. Employers typically test for alcohol, nicotine, and drugs. The most common tests are the urine, hair follicle, and saliva drug tests. Urine is usually the first choice because it is easy to collect and provides a detection window of up to 6-8 weeks. Hair follicle drug testing can detect drug use for up to 3 months but is more expensive than standard testing methods. Saliva tests are also sometimes used because they give a quick result but must be collected at home.
Before your employer can conduct a drug test you will have been informed about the intention to do so. This usually happens during the job interview or on the first day of work. This may be done as part of an employment verification process, which checks whether you have the experience and skills required for your chosen job. The employer will generally inform you which drugs they are testing for if known. Some employers may be more specific and test for certain types of drugs or classes of drug, such as opiates or amphetamines.
Confidentiality is an important issue in regards to a prospective employee undergoing a drug test. The employer will try to keep the results of the test confidential and may only inform senior managers or human resources staff. It is an offense for employers to disclose a positive result from a drug test without your consent, although they can still refuse you employment based on that result.
Generally speaking, the tests tend to be more rigorous during the interview process. This is because employers are trying to find out whether you are a suitable candidate for the job and an illegal drug habit disqualifies you from doing so.
Education is the first step to passing your marijuana drug test
As you learned in this article, there are several reasons why an employer might ask for drug testings, as well as ways to pass a drug test even if you have used marijuana or cannabis products. However, the most important thing you can do is to abstain from cannabis use for at least 30 days prior to your drug test. If you follow this advice, you should be able to pass your test and enjoy the positive benefits of marijuana. In the meantime, we hope you found this information useful and would love to hear what you think. Please feel free to leave your comments below!
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